Leonardo da Vinci Program
2010-2012- Implementation of the project “Hippotherapy - Shared Learning Opportunities” with Equine Collage Ypaja (Finland) and Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Therapeutic Riding (ACPTR) (Great Britain) Programme Leonardo da Vinci
2010 Hypology workshops Ypaja (Finland)
Natalia Smagacz – Preparing a young horse to work in hippotherapy
2011 Psycho-pedagogical workshops Warsaw, Poland
J. Dzwonkowska, A. Szymańska - Sensitizing hippotherapists to the needs of people with disability
B. Gąsiorowska – Other therapeutic methods used in hippotherapy (Knill, psychomotorics)
N. Smagacz, G. Sawicka – Practical application of other therapeutic methods used in hippotherapy
J. Dzwonkowska, J. Piłat – The use of alternative communication method in hippotherapy
J Dzwonkowska – Creating a Polish-Finnish-English dictionary for alternative communication in hippotherapy
2011 Workshops LdV Project Ypaja, (Finland),
Participants – A. Strumińska, J. Dzwonkowska, N. Smagacz, G. Sawicka
2012 Workshops LdV Project Clwyd Special Riding Centre (England)
Participants B. Gąsiorowska, J. Dzwonkowska, A. Strumińska